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Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens

Various authors:

> > Next time ask me an easy question, like "what's the weight of the world?" 
> Zero; it's in free fall.  :-)
well since weight is a function of mass in a gravity field and the earth 
generates a gravity field by which all its mass is affected
I think it might be inaccurate to say it has no weight;>
But of course this is a topic of gravity
take care
     [Obviously, I made a mistake...I'm NOT going to start a thread on the 
     weight of the world, at least not intentionally.  
     Guys, it all depends on your frame of reference...but PLEASE, let this 
     thread DIE.  Since it DOES depend on your frame of reference, the only 
     way anybody's going to agree is if their FORs agree.]
     J. Blackbow

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