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Re: Baby 1.0 Ships -Reply

>>> Lynn Pawelka 05/30/96 10:57am >>>
                      RE>>Baby 1.0 Ships                           5/30/96

> Is there a help desk to support the new product?

>>I don't think so. There's no documentation available, at any rate. I've had my
>>unit for 17 yrs now, and the Manual is *still* backordered!!


Telephone support is now available. $25 for the first 30 minutes. $5 for every minute after.
Secured by credit card of course. To accept click on the "OK" button.

  Lady Brigid of Linnhe     
  Barony of Windmasters* Hill 
  Kingdom of Atlantia
  * We look to Scotland for all
    our ideas of civilisation.*
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