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Re[4]: Merry Rose Denizens

> > > Next time ask me an easy question, like "what's the weight of the world?"
>      [Obviously, I made a mistake...I'm NOT going to start a thread on the 
>      weight of the world, at least not intentionally.
>      Guys, it all depends on your frame of reference...but PLEASE, let this 
>      thread DIE.  Since it DOES depend on your frame of reference, the only 
>      way anybody's going to agree is if their FORs agree.]
I would be happy to let this thread die, but first I must address 
some issues that you raise in your latest missive.
Firstly, I believe that if FOR is an abbreviation for Frame Of Reference, 
pronounced /EFF OH ARR/, then the abbreviation for the plural Frames Of 
Reference should be FsOR, pronounced /EFFSS OH ARR/.  This is also my 
attitude towards AsOA and PsOW; I accept the fact that not everyone 
agrees with me.
     [Alfredo, you're too busy picking nits.  It's well known that the 
     plural of "notary public" is "notaries public", not "notary publics", 
     but it's generally accepted that if you're dealing with an acronym, 
     you treat the acronym as a _word_ and simply pluralize the entire 
     thing.  Moving right along,]
Secondly, all this talk of FsOR and gravity fields frightens and confuses 
me.  <Looking about, wide-eyed, making vague warding gestures>
I don't recall Ptolomy writing anything about them.  Are these new 
concepts from Galileo's book "A Dialogue Concerning Two Systems of 
the World"?  (I haven't read it yet.)
     [I won't even touch this - if we can discuss Bosnia, we can discuss 
     the weight of the world.  I'm fairly certain that the question was 
     asked in medieval times.  Just accept the fact that we're REALLY 
     Besides, Alfredo, if these newfangled things flip you out, what's this 
     thing you post at the bottom of your messages?  It _doesn't_ look even 
     vaguely medieval to my untrained eye.  [To wit:]
     anat.ro.pous \*-'na-tr*-p*s\ aj : having the ovule inverted so that 
     the micropyle is bent down to the funiculus to which the body of the 
     ovule is united.
Thirdly, does the parent of a thread hold any duties or priveliges 
concerning the fate of that thread?  IMHO, the fate of the thread 
is in its own hands the moment the original poster presses <SEND>.
     [This is true - I bear no real responsibility for this or any other 
     thread, except for this:  
     The stuff I put into the message was a _joke_.  You know, a thing put 
     together in an intention to engender yux.  
     (Deity of your choice) forbid that we should get serious about 
     something I put in for people to _laugh_ at.]
Fourthly, the weight of the world consists of the responsibilities of 
the Crown.  Vivant Galmr et Katharina!
     [brown-nose. ;>]
-- Alfredo
And to close with something completely non-period:

May the god, goddess, or deity of your choice 
bless, curse, or completely ignore you as per your wishes.


Jonathan Blackbow

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