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Re: Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens
On May 30, 1996 10:59:40, '"Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>' wrote:
>> [Sue, if you keep this diffident attitude up someone's going to
>> have the men in the little white coats come past and take you
>> away. I asked if _anyone_ had any info, and you do qualify as
>> anyone, don't you? Here, Miriam, get this poor woman a drink
>> to stiffen her spine.]
>> JB
>Ah, certainly! Would My Lady care for ale, mead, sweet wine, or perhaps
>seconjubin? And perhaps some soup and bread?
>Miriam R.
Why, I'd be very grateful for a bit of mead, my lady, although I may hold
on the soup and bread just yet; as wet as it has been, I fear I shall avoid
foods of a liquid nature. Libations, however, are as good as the company
in this fine place and 'twould be churlish of me to decline.
By the by, JB, I must remember to tell my good man of your admonition - he
has claimed for years that I must have been a man in some previous personna
since I seem to retain some of the attributes thereof... ;-)
Delurking at long last, I remain indebted for your kind welcome.
Sue the unnamed
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