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Re: Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens

> On May 30, 1996 10:59:40, '"Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>' wrote: 
> >>      [Sue, if you keep this diffident attitude up someone's going 
> >>      to  have the men in the little white coats come past and take 
> >>      you  away.  I asked if _anyone_ had any info, and you do 
> >>      qualify as  anyone, don't you?  Here, Miriam, get this poor 
> >>      woman a drink  to stiffen her spine.]  
> >>       
> >>      JB  
> >>       
> >Ah, certainly!  Would My Lady care for ale, mead, sweet wine, or 
> >perhaps  seconjubin?  And perhaps some soup and bread? 
> > 
> >Miriam R. 
> Why, I'd be very grateful for a bit of mead, my lady, although I may 
> hold on the soup and bread just yet; as wet as it has been, I fear I 
> shall avoid foods of a liquid nature.  Libations, however, are as good 
> as the company in this fine place and 'twould be churlish of me to 
> decline. 
> By the by, JB, I must remember to tell my good man of your admonition - 
> he has claimed for years that I must have been a man in some 
> previous personna since I seem to retain some of the attributes 
> thereof... ;-)  
> Sue the unnamed 
Perhaps it would be well to take some beef, then, or venison. Or mayhap we can 
tempt you with roast fowl?  Might some gentle check the spit and see if the 
meat is done?

Miriam R.

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
The non-pregnant Miriam     | between two swans naiant
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | respectant, wings elevated
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | and addorsed argent, three 
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | sprigs of heather palewise
email:swann@intercon.com    | purpure.     

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