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RE: University of Chaos

Well......It couldn't be any worse than when he was on the stilts.... ;}


>From: 	H L. Falls[SMTP:hlf@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU]
>Sent: 	Thursday, May 30, 1996 10:48 AM
>To: 	jstrauss@gmu.edu
>Cc: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: 	Re: University of Chaos
>Quoth Henry Best:
>> My friends,
>> As has been noted elsewhere, there isn't a posted class schedule yet.
>> I'm terribly sorry about that; but I have been unable to manage that
>> and my new job. There WILL be a session of UA this Saturday with a 
>> schedule of classes even if I have to pop Nodoz through Thursday and
>> Friday nights.
>> <snip...>
>   Henry Best on Nodoz.  Gods what a frightening thought...  
>(Sorry Henry, I couldn't resist!  :-)
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