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Re: University classes - Heraldry track

John Strauss wrote:
> My friends,
> As has been noted elsewhere, there isn't a posted class schedule yet.
> I'm terribly sorry about that; but I have been unable to manage that
> and my new job. There WILL be a session of UA this Saturday with a
> schedule of classes even if I have to pop Nodoz through Thursday and
> Friday nights.
> Those of you who have been to UA before and know how fine they are,
> my organizational ineptitude notwithstanding, please reassure your
> comrades that taking this particular pig-in-a-poke is worth risking
> an investment of the weekend.
> Strykar had the right idea: if you are teaching a class, feel free
> to share that information with those listening. It may be late tonight
> before I can post more complete info.
> Harry the Harried

Salutations to Harry the Harried and feloows Atlantians!

The Heraldry track will have 7 classes being offered:


.Institutional History of Heraldry - Lord Pedro de Alcazar (1st class)
        The role of the later mediaeval herald in history (especially in 
	the Hundred Years War) and in romance.

.Heraldic Monsters - Lord Aodhan Doilfin (2nd class)
An introduction to the heraldic imagination, this course provides an 
overview of mythical and monstrous creatures found in SCA and mundane 
heraldry. Information presented will include background, default 
position, proper color and restrictions on use, if any, for each 
creature. Examples of registered armory will also be provided.

.Titles and Precedence- Lord Evan da Collaureo (3rd class)

.Court Heraldry - Master Conrad von Regenburg (4th class [after lunch])

.Canting an Allusive Arms - Mistress Jaelle of Armida (5th class)
        How to make your arms describe yourself in a medieval fashion

.Designing an SCA Name - Lord Tirloch of Tallaght (6th class)

.Flash card Heraldry - Lord Leifr Johansson (7th class)

Osprey Herald
Tom Bilodeau
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