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Re: The Merry Thorns

> > > Breakable, my ass! 
> > >      [kitchen sink sails overhead] 
> >  

[Muffled crash and startled yell from outside the Merry Rose]

Uryene pokes his head inside and with a not-very-believable 
menacing scowl says:

Excuse me for interrupting your discourse, fine patrons of the Rose, but
would someone mind asking the would-be Hercules to set aside his ale and
marshmallows for a moment to extract this sink from my cart?

While it's an excellent and fetching sink,
the proprietors have better use for it, I think.

Such as fixing a meal
Using the leftover Emerald veal.

Some of which I intend to have on my way back from market,
When I stop in this eve'n at the bar to sit... and park it.

[Ducking the remaining kitchen utensils as they whip my way...]

Lance W. Day                       | Uryene de Wodeshende
lday@access.digex.net              | In the shadow of Ripon Cathedral
http://www.access.digex.net/~lday  | North Yorkshire, England  b.1363-?
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