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Re: Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens
Ah, good gentles, I admit I cannot pass this one up (she says from a dark
corner). As an as-yet unnamed visitor to this establishment, I humbly
offer the following for your consideration:
roseola - a rose-colored eruption in spots; specifically, German measles
[Yep - that one I knew about.]
Rosaceae - the name for all plants within the rose family
[Nope - that one I didn't know about.]
Mayhap there was a minor difference in the spelling? (appalled by her
audacity, she quietly reseats herself upon the bench and dearly hopes no
one takes notice...)
Sue the unnamed
[Sue, if you keep this diffident attitude up someone's going to have
the men in the little white coats come past and take you away. I
asked if _anyone_ had any info, and you do qualify as anyone, don't
you? Here, Miriam, get this poor woman a drink to stiffen her spine.]
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Subject: Re: Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens
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