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Re: University Classes

     Good morrow to all here!  My son Michael and I will be teaching a 
     class called The Young Anachronist's Bookshelf -- a discussion of 
     books written for children about the Middle Ages and Renaissance.  We 
     will provide a selected (extremely selected!) booklist and some 
     conversation about kids' books in general and books about our period 
     in particular.  Come and bring some of your favorites to share!  
     Parents, kids, and all friends of kiddy lit are welcome!

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Subject: University Classes
Author:  Nancy Kristina Donaldson <nancykd@wam.umd.edu> at Internet
Date:    5/30/96 8:12 AM

Greetings all,
Lady Tangwystl ferch Dafydd organized a textile track for University. 
The classes range from tablet woven brocades to brocaded silks and 
velvets that were worn or used in furnishings.
Diving back into my class notes,
see you at University.
Nancy Dalton
aka Earnwynn van Zwaluwenburg
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