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Re: University Classes

Greetings, Cheapsiders!

The following two classes are going to be taught by moi at the
upcoming UofA session (in two days).  For both of these classes
I may be (probably will be) able to teach an additional section
(in other words, the same class will be available at two different
times, if demand warrants it).

I don't know the scheduling yet, save that I can guarantee you
that no section of either class will be in the first two periods
of the morning, when I will be working at the reg desk.

One hour
Dafydd ap Gwystl and Gyrth Oldcastle

This class is intended for fighters from novice to moderately-skilled.
Topics covered will include stances, blow-throwing, proper shield use,
movement, recovery, and so on.  This is a hands-on class; please bring
loose non-constraining clothing.  No armour is required; no actual
combat will occur.  Please bring a sword, stick, wifflebat, broomhandle,
or some other sword-simulation 32"-36" long.  There is a class limit
of 12 students; this limit may be extended if sufficient teacher's
aides can be recruited to assist the teacher.

One hour
Dafydd ap Gwystl

This class will involve learning and playing some common card games of
the Renaissance.  A small class handout will describe the rules of
four common and entertaining card games of the Renaissance: Putt,
Primero, Reversis, and Triomphe Forcee.  There will be sufficient time
to actually play two or three of the games.  There will be a class limit
of 16.
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