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Re: Re[2]: Merry Rose Denizens

On May 30, 1996 09:15:28, '"David H Ritterskamp"
<dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>' wrote: 
>At 09:38 PM 5/29/96 +0000, you wrote: 
>>Anyway,  what to call a Merry Rose Denizen...Hmm...  
>>Well, Roseacea is right out. 
>>[The rest of you can look it up when you get home...;>] 
>OK,  I give.   I even checked with Mr Webster - and still couldn't find  
>Roseacea.   What IS Roseacea? 
>[Eeep!  Uh, _I_ went and looked and couldn't find anything.  I've seen  
>it in print, and as I remember it, it was a medical term having to do  
>with extreme cases of acne.   
>Anyone else?  I did NOT make that word up.] 
Ah, good gentles, I admit I cannot pass this one up (she says from a dark
corner).  As an as-yet unnamed visitor to this establishment, I humbly
offer the following for your consideration: 
roseola - a rose-colored eruption in spots; specifically, German measles 
Rosaceae - the name for all plants within the rose family 
Mayhap there was a minor difference in the spelling?  (appalled by her
audacity, she quietly reseats herself upon the bench and dearly hopes no
one takes notice...) 
Sue the unnamed 
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