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A Scots Song

Since nobody else is stepping forward with a song,
allow me:

  The London girls are fine;
  Oh, leaze me on those styles they wear.
  An' the southern girls, wi' the wa' they talk,
  They knoch me out when I'm doon there.
  The Midlands' farmers dochters.
  Alwa's mak' me feel alright.
  And the northern girls, wi' they wa' they kiss,
  They keep their boyfriends warm at night.

  I wish they a' could be Caledonia girls.
  I wish they a' could be Caledonia girls.

  The Highland air is fresher
  An' the lasses are sa hale.
  I like a Holland sarkie on an Isle of Man girl
  Beside a slow burn in the dale.
  I've been all aroond this great wide world
  An' I've seen a' kinds o' girls,
  But I'm gangin' again
  Back ta Great Brit-ain
  Back tae the cutest girls i' the world!

  I wish they a' could be Caledonia girls.
  I wish they a' could be Caledonia girls.

<Plays an insistant four-note melody on a slide whistle>

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
anat.ro.pous \*-'na-tr*-p*s\ aj : having the ovule inverted
so that the micropyle is bent down to the funiculus to which
the body of the ovule is united.
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