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Re: Graham Crackers (was Re: Marshmallows)

Karen "Great Dane" Larsdatter wrote...

>Actually, harder than you think.  Graham crackers come from the 
>nineteenth century.  I don't remember 'zactly the full info (as I recall, 
>I read it in the Straight Dope, so it must be true) they were originally 
>created to give people other things to do besides thinking lewd 
>thoughts.  Or something really wierd like that.
>(It's in one of the first two Cecil Adams STRAIGHT DOPE books.  I forget 
>which one ...)

Actually they were usedd to stop young boys from supposedly.Um.....aw hell
playing with themselves.  This comes from the smae mind as Dr. Kellog, who
invented cornflakes for very much the same reason, If I remember correctly
(and If I don't I'll hear about it) the theory was that sugar, red meat,
other good things in life, somehow caused carnal desires and led to things
like playing with one self.   .  Gee and they say that medical practices in
tha Dark ages were strange.... Cornflakes were created by Dr. Kellog as a
cure for this.  However his, Dr. Kellogg's, brother eventually got a hold of
the recipe, mass marketed them, with sugar and other nice stuff and made a

>(who should be cleaning house and doing research...)

I Agree

Gruffudd ap Cadfael ap Daffydd ap Rhys ap Infintum
MKA Carl Harris
 Remember:  Welsh Naming Practices Keep Going and Going.....

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