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Re: Callahan's Bar

> >     I KNOW I can't be the only person on here who's read the "Callahan's 
> >     Bar" series by Spider Robinson.
> >     
> >     [Or the "Callahan's Lady" series, for that matter...]
> >     
> >     J. Blackbow
> Of course your're not.  And there the patrons were much neater about their
> breakage.  The broken glasses were mostly in the fireplace as that, rather
> than any individial, was the target of their throws.
> [Looking forward to whatever comes next in either of the two Spider Robinson
> series while quietly listening from the back of the establishment to the grand
> boisterous goings on.]
> Michael of Hammond
Hey Michael!  Get up here by the fire!  Miriam's been asking for a song,
should we give her one we rehearsed at Emerald?  How about "Lament for
Lord Michael"?  :-) :-)

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