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Re[2]: Flying mugs, tableware, sinks, cows, Et cetera

 Tis truly amazing how all this furniture and tableware 
 and all the rest of the paraphenalia regenerates...
 is this like, umm, a resurrection battle, or should I say, 
 a resurrection conversation?

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Subject: Re: Flying mugs, tableware, sinks, cows, Et cetera
Author:  angela@ascc01.ascc.att.com (Angela Pincha-Neel - ATT ASCC) at 
Date:    5/31/96 11:28 AM

It's VIRTUAL Conversation!  

What I find VASTLY amusing is that there really wasn't that much being thrown, 
just one sink and maybe a couple of other pieces...must be wishful thinking on 
the part of the Thorns to be able to wreck the place and not have to worry 
about who's going to get the bill.


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