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Re: Flying mugs, tableware, sinks, cows, Et cetera
So Sayeth the Lovely Meli....
>Ah, Dear Gruffudd!
> Leave it to a good Welsh lad to keep things lively .... :-)
> I think
>'t would be most amusing to meet you in person at some event, some day!
>What part of Atlantia do you call home? Will we in the north of Wales--uhh,
>of Atlantia!--ever get to see your smiling face?
Actually we have met at Collgium Borialis, I was one of theose who took your
entertain Welsh persona Class. As to When we can meet again. I will be at
UA 40 this weekend. I currently live in Ponte Alto, specivically the
Centreville, or the Challegned Lands,
> <Whew--got to remember, here we can't claim Welsh sovereignty over the
>whole of the good old world ....>
We can't?!?!?!?!?! Whe did that Happen? I bet it was the Engish were
responsible, yet again......
Gruffudd ap Cadfael ap Daffydd ap Rhys ap Infintum
MKA Carl Harris
Remember: Welsh Naming Practices Keep Going and Going.....
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