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Re: A Song ....

> >Hey Michael!  Get up here by the fire!  Miriam's been asking for a 
> >song, should we give her one we rehearsed at Emerald?  How about 
> >"Lament for Lord Michael"?  :-) :-) 
> > 
> >--Landi 
> We should sing that one, [shuffle papers, shuffel papers] but I can't 
> seem to find the words to that right now and I don't trust my memory 
> on the middle verses.  [shuffle papers, shuffle papers] How about this 
> one until I can track down the other. 
> I think this one was once in the East Kingdom song book (Along with 
> Hark the Herald Alfgar Screams) and predates Atlantia becoming a 
> kingdom. 
> ((Rumor has it that it might even be related to some real event.)) 
>  (I can't seem to remember who wrote this on so I will have to dig 
> that info up along with the other song's words and post it later) 
> Knitting Chainmail 
> (to the tune of City of New Orleans) 
> Presented by 
> Michael of Hammond 
In fine voice as usual, Lord Michael!

Miriam R.

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
The non-pregnant Miriam     | between two swans naiant
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | respectant, wings elevated
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | and addorsed argent, three 
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | sprigs of heather palewise
email:swann@intercon.com    | purpure.     

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