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Greetings and Allah's Peace to the People of the Merry Rose!!

Filk.  One word says it all.

The Fray Mart Kill a Crusader Sale
(Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe)

Hear that clink-clank coming down the hill
That armys gonna die Oh what a thrill
Got a brand new pole-arm just for the trail
At the Fray-Mart Kill a Crusader Sale

You can buy an axe-blade with a beard
Or a small herd of sheep just recently sheared
To get those damn crusaders off the path
To Jersualem, Bethlehem, and Zaraphath

Here they come......
Ooooooooooh youre gonna die
Kill as many as you can
Well there damn little doesn't know how to quit

So Ill need another sharp arrow kit
And a couple fresh catapults to hurl some "stuff"
Gimme a fresh new camel and a bow for it's tail
At the Fray Mart Kill a Crusader Sale

Donald S. Wagner             Sayyid Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir
Lead Technical Instructor        Barony of Windmasters' Hill
AT&T WorldNet Service                Kingdom of Atlantia
    "Once I cried because I could not understand polyrythmic
     synchopation, then I met a culture that had no drums."

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