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Re: Serious inquiry for the fighter-types out there

Michael wrote:
>It sounds like and interesting idea.  The only problems would be bulding
>it sturdy enough to survive more than one battle, portability (who's gonna
>haul it?) and storage (where do you put it?).  Also, who is going to build
>it, and how big do you make it?
>Not that I'm against the idea, mind you, it's just a matter of practical
>considerations.  (I like the perminant castle that I understand is being
>erected at Gulf War, but where could one be built in Atlantia?)

Actually there have been several bridge battles at Pennsic. They simply make
two parallel lines of hay bales. The lane in between them denotes the bridge
and the bales themselves the railings. Anything on the other side of the
bales is considered water, and if you fall over the railings you are assumed
to have fallen in and drowned, pulled down by the weight of your armour.
Being at ground level makes it safe (or as safe as heavy fighting usually
is), and there's no need to build anything that has to be stored.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |   Can not run out of time. There is infinite time. You
 Dark Horde by birth |  are finite. Zathras is finite. This......is wrong tool.
   Moritu by choice  |                                        -- Zathras

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