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Not-so-serious reply for the fighter types out there

The esteemed Michael Limner (esq.) wrote:

> Not that I'm against the idea, mind you, it's just a matter of practical
> considerations.  (I like the perminant castle that I understand is being
> erected at Gulf War, but where could one be built in Atlantia?)

Ummm, I'll volunteer my place!!!
It's even got a nice hill to build an imposing keep that would look down
over I-68; keeping a watchful eye over Atlantians on their way to
and from Pennsic.

(Of course, the East might start getting a little uneasy when we
start putting massive fortifications less than a mile from the
border... ;) 

..All you have to do is provide the labor. (just a minor detail)

I've got enough stone to build an edifice that would dwarf
Warwick and Windsor Castles combined!

(Alternatively, if anyone wants to build a castle elsewhere,
I'll donate the stone to the effort for free.  All of it.  Please.)


Lance W. Day                       | Uryene de Wodeshende
lday@access.digex.net              | In the shadow of Ripon Cathedral
http://www.access.digex.net/~lday  | North Yorkshire, England  b.1363-?
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