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Re[2]: List explosion
And, frankly, a lot of the clever repartee taking up band-width
lately isn't quite as clever to those not taking part as it is to
those participating.
[That, my lady, is open to debate. But if you don't find it
entertaining, well...see below]
My subscription to the list is at work,
[so's mine.]
and I'm not actually getting much work done lately -- I spend a lot of
time deleting messages. Can we limit on-line discussion to things of
broader interest, please?
[that's a little vague, milady - do you propose to break _everything_
I personally don't have much of an interest in rapier activities, and
yet when the flood of rapier-related stuff came down the pike, I read
the first couple of lines, saw that it wasn't anything I wanted to
read, and proceeded to the next message.
Likewise, I don't have a _huge_ interest in combat archery scores
(since my name's not on the list) but I flipped through it anyway.
Likewise, I'm sure that there are other things that people will come
up with that neither you nor I nor quite a few other people will be
interested in.
The solution I use is that with my mail program, there's a way to set
a "rule" that dumps all Internet messages (Atlantian is about all I
get, but I don't have any work-related internet addresses, if that
tells you something) to a special folder.
If you have this option, I suggest you explore it; but asking a group
like this NOT to talk is, well, kind of like herding cats.
Thanks, and sorry if I'm cranky -- it's Friday afternoon, and I had 68
messages when I came in this morning, of which about 3 were
[Been there, doing that - ]
[& Melisande, one final point: IMO, a lively net (which wasn't
occurring (that I know of) when I first got on here) is a sign of an
active, interested community. If the dialogue gets a little silly and
even trite, well, I just skip over it. And I've been told that I post
a LOT. I don't disagree with that at all...but if there was any way
to tell that even one thing I've put up here wasn't amusing to
somebody besides myself, I'd be shocked.]
Apologies,but I like it the way it is,
J. Blackbow
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: List explosion
Author: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@netcom.com> at Internet
Date: 5/31/96 4:00 PM
Annara wrote me today asking about the possiblity of a digest
because of traffic on the list. I hadn't thought it was that
bad until I logged on and checked today. Yesterday, we posted over
120 mail messages! Today, as of 4pm EDT, we've processed almost 100!
Wow! I guess a digest needs to be a higher priority now. Scott,
can we do it?
In service,
Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
Listkeeper, Merry Rose
| lovelace@netcom.com
|\ Arlington, VA
|/ Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant
| sable between three compass roses counterchanged.
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