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Re: UA 40 class corrections

On Fri, 31 May 1996, Henry Best wrote:

> I forgot a way spiff class, Niall McKennett is teaching "Low Down Durty 
> Tricks", a demonstration of sneaky underhanded nasty tricks in rapier, as 
> documented in period sources. He cautions that most or all of these 
> tricks are against the rules in SCA Rapier and, more to the point, are 
> unsafe.
My mistake: Niall McKennett is an honorable gentleman and is so far up on 
the moral high ground that he gets nosebleeds.

Brawls and streetfighting  -Neal de Ferret

The art of the non-sanctioned duel.  Social and legal aspects of brawling.
The decline of of the Code Duello into secret duelling. Italian "games"
such as "guicco de stasso" and the  pugni of Venice. Will also demonstrate
techniques from the period manuals which would not be proper on an SCA list

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