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Re: question about the (Mostly) scabbards class.

Timothy asked:

"Since the (Mostly) scabbards course involves making works of leather for
swords, daggers and other forms of live steel, will students be able to
bring their swords and such onto the GMU campus for the class?" 

This is one of these issues that *could* be relegated to "don't ask, 
don't tell."  This is an SCA event.  Everyone attending (and/or who 
*owns* such a piece) should have the wisdom to know that Sharp Metal 
Pointies are not toys.

They should also know that they are not to be shown to Campus Security, 
or else they will be merrily thrown off-campus.  (I believe the current 
rule is "no blades longer than six inches," but I could be wrong.)

Now, I would *prefer* that you leave your toys at home -- I know, there 
are always the folks who will come to university armed to the teeth, 
because after all, you never know when you'll need the three dozen 
daggers that you keep hidden on your person -- but I'd like to think 
folks will use their discretion in arming themselves tomorrow morning.

(who would be wearing her bodice dagger but it doesn't go with her garb)
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