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List stuff
OK just a quick note. I am sorry that I have not been able to get
a digest for the list. Currently the list is at NC State and me and the
other person here have not had time to fix the digest stuff. We are running
a modified version of Majordomo and Tim has added lots of code to speed
up mail output. Currently takes the list 3-15 minutes to send out mail
from this site. (*Note that doesn't count the time it takes to pass
to all the other computers it has to go through to get to everyone*) Tim and
myself are working on a digest but we have to do many other things first.
:) Since no work related stuff needs a digest the digest modifications get
bumped any time something comes up. But we are working on it. If people
would like I can set up a second mail list for people to have "fun" with. So
that these off the wall topics could continue but not overload the Merry Rose.
Scott Callicutt Multimedia Systems Admin 919 515 3569
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- Follow-Ups:
- Re: List stuff
- From: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>