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Court at Toys-for-Tots

Poster: Keith Vaughn <KVAUGHN@fcc.gov>

Greetings from Sir Xenophon who was afforded the opportunity to
herald court for Their Royal Majesties Galmr and Katharina at

If I remember correctly, the following awards were given and
business conducted (I apologize in advance for any mispellings) :

Baron Reynard (Baron of Lochmere) was recognized as the winner
of the period container A&S competition.

Lord Stephan and Estrallita Domingus where both awarded Shark's
Teeth for their prowess during the battles (I personally witnessed no
less than 20 deaths inflicted by Lord Stephan, including the 'cup' shot)

Lord Johan von Rothenberg was made a Companion of the Sea Stag

and Donavon was made a member of Atlantia's nobility (AoA)

In addtion, to rewarding Sir Kane for being the most chivalrous on the
day, TRM of Trimaris recognized Lady Mordred for winning the War
Banner A&S competition (if I remember correctly she entered 9 of 'em),
as well as rewarding Estrallita Domingus for being the archer who 
legged their King.

I hope I didn't forget anything...

In Service,



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