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Re[4]: His Highness's New Clothes

Poster: Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov (Carol O'Leary)

     OK, OK, you're right.  If my king declares war on Trimaris, I'll see 
     if I can get him to give you warning first, so we can spirit a few 
     people we know and love out first.  There's you and your mom and her 
     sweetie and your brother, and Meghan and Doug, and Merowald...
     Love to all,

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Re[2]: His Highness's New Clothes
Author:  atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu at Internet
Date:    7/3/96 10:28 AM

Poster: Christopher M Faulcon <mfaulcon@or.atinc.com>
Carol O'Leary wrote:
> Poster: Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov (Carol O'Leary) 
>      Poster:  Melisande (Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov) 
>      Henry Best said:
>      >If the King stands up and announces that we will all go fight and die 
>      >gloriously to defend our honor against people whose only sin is they 
>      >reside in Florida, I'm all for that.
>      I take exception to that.  My mother lives in Florida, and I would
>      take it ill if His Majesty were to take it into his royal head to take 
>      up arms against my mother.  If, however, he were to declare war on
>      TRIMARIS, I would support the war effort and buy war bonds.
	Wait a minute! Trimarans are people, too...
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