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Re: His Highness's New Clothes

Poster: Aelfgar GreySeas <aelfgar@access.digex.net>

Tibor's points are, indeed, well taken. Being new to this medium, I am struck
by it's contradictions - it fosters a deceptive sense of immediacy which can
hide the fact that we are, in essence, writing letters to one another, rather
than conversing. We still can get into trouble by forgetting that a phrase
said with a wry smile can have a very different effect than the same phrase
said with a frown, and here nobody can tell. In addition, e-mail encourages
brevity, which can sometimes become curtness in the eyes of others.0

Perhaps the appropriate response when we perceive discourtesy in a message is
to ask the poster to clarify his statement. Oftentimes a restatement of an
idea will be more considered than the initial offering.

Of course, use of the term _dunderhead_ generally indicates a lack of polish
and grace <look of feigned innocence>.

At length,


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