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Re: His Highness's New Clothes

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Discourtesy is always bad. I wish I still had a copy of Tibor's post. I 
  remember thinking that it was factual and even-handed. I was glad to see 
  this, as Tibor has a reputation, of old, for deeply cutting retorts, as 
  he has mentioned. 

Yes: I have been bad in the past.  One learns, I hope.


The introduction to the old post was:

Greetings from Tibor.

I doubt the people of Atlantia want to fight out the "pro and anti mandatory
membership" debate one more time on their list.

Might I point, Your Highness, that you are quite simply in error in almost
every point that you make?  I say this, having read the insurance policies for
each of the last several years, and having been reading the Board Minutes for
about the last decade.  I would be pleased to cite the source of my facts for
you in private email.

[Balance of article deleted]
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