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Re[2]: "Official"?
Poster: "Chuck Graves" <chuck_graves@mail.hq.faa.gov>
Greetings, all.
>Being a baronial chronicler, I can address this one, as far as
>publications go. According to Kingdom Red Tape, baronial/shire/canton
>newsletters must include a statement of the following form:
>>This is Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1996, of the PH?NIX, published monthly by and
>>for the members of the Barony of the Sacred Stone, part of the Society for
>>Creative Anachronism, Inc. This is an UNOFFICIAL publication and DOES NOT
>>delineate SCA policies.
>Therefore, anything published in one of these publications is
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one, Gawain. Your statement
implies that NO barony/shire/canton meeting or fighter practice is covered. That
can't be true. Last time I checked, our insurance covered our meetings and our
fighter practices. Frankly, if it doesn't, I and many others have been
misrepresenting the SCA to local governmental bodies, i.e., city governments,
military installation, and school systems, when obtaining facilities.
The disclaimer is worded to release SCA, Inc., from responsibility for what
local groups publish. For example, the PH?NIX can publish that the new SCA
membership rates effective Aug 1, 1996, will be $12. Nice idea--but the SCA is
not bound by it. If the same thing were published in the TI, on the other hand,
it would be binding--the TI is the OFFICIAL publication of the SCA, Inc.
I don't have a copy at hand but I believe the ACORN has a very similar
disclaimer. The ACORN covers official Atlantian policy but not official SCA,
Inc., policy.
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