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Disc: Pay-to-Fight

Poster: "Kate Spears" <kspears@fdic.gov>

Lord Gawain states his case most eloquently.  

Requiring membership for participation, for as low a fee as the SCA charges, 
can hardly be considered exclusionary, particularly when you look at the 
other costs involved with fighting.  There is also a lot more for a newcomer 
to do than fighting, if s/he wants to "visit" for awhile before committing to 

If you look at other recreational activities that are out there in the 
mundane world, martial or otherwise, playing with the SCA, is relatively 
cheap, especially if you figure in only "required" costs.  N

(Now, if you're addicted to fabric shopping, as I am, things can get pricey, 
but that _is_ a matter of choice....)  ;-)

Aislynn Fyrlocc
Who has spent more that $35 on a single piece (OK, a 7-yard piece) of trim...

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