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Re: What Benefits of Paid Membership

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com>

On Sat, 6 Jul 1996, Edward R. Ewen, Jr. wrote:

> M'Lady,
> Yesterday you wrote:
> > No, really!  How do you find out about events if you don't either get
> > or know someone who gets the Acorn?
> > How would you know who the leaders of neighboring groups are?  How
> > would you know if they changed?  Do you truly believe that word-of-
> > mouth is sufficient?
> Well, in truth, I'd saunter over to the Atlantia Web Page, and look at the
> calendar of events.

My lord, you seem to have missed my statement regarding the many
people who don't even have email access, let alone web capability.  I
have email, but I do not have web.  This is not an option for more
people than you think.

  Perhaps too I'd attend local business meetings or
> call our seneschale every once and again. 

Ah, and every event flyer is sent without fail to every seneschal of
every barony, shire, college, insert-group-type-here?  I think not.
The seneschals find out from the newsletter, too.

> My mention of the Web page reminds me of another concern, also relating to 
> the benefits of membership.  It is my understanding that a new Red Tape 
> is available.

I can't help you here; I have mine.  For more details regarding the
distribution of the Red Tape, you need to contact the Kingdom
Chronicler, Rabah.  His email address is in the Acorn.

   Alys of Foxdale           | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com |     argent, a fox passant gules.

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