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Toys-for-Tots Arts and Sciences

I've been away from my mail. Sorry it took so long to post this.

The participation by Atlantia in the Arts and Sciences competitions at Toys for Tots Clash was wonderful! I was very pleased and proud of the efforts made. The majority of all entries in all categories were Atlantian. In addition, there were many beautiful items that individuals brought down for display that did not fit into the competition categories. All were appreciated. I wish to thank Lady Celynen, Mistress Alisoun, Lady Demetria, Baroness Patrice, and Duchess Simone for the time they spent judging and giving feedback to the many artisans who participated both in the competition and the display. Without their assistance, I would have spent a very long day in the A&S hall.

There were three competitions, each Kingdom sponsoring a different category with Their Majesties choosing an entry to be called into court and receive their token (Queen's or King's Choice Award). In addition, each entry was also judged on authenticity (documentation being very important) by three separate judges with the highest scores receiving place ribbons.

Atlantia - Period Containers
1st Prize - Lord Gawain Kilgore with a reproduction of a self-standing leather bottle from the Mary Rose.
2nd Prize and Queen's Choice Award - Baron Raynard of Lochmere with a handfinished, cherry box

Meridies - Period Toys
1st Prize - Lord Torquil McTaggart with his hand finished golf clubs
2nd Prize - Lady Assar merc Owen with her 16th century doll
3rd Prize and King's Choice Award - Lord Alessandro di Firenze with his Marionette

Trimaris - Period War Banners
1st Prize - Lady Arawynn of Ravenhall
2nd Prize and Queen's Choice Award - Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne
3rd Prize - Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne

Thank you again to everyone who participated. Please forgive me if I have misspelled any gentles name above.

The next Kingdom level competition will be Their Majesties Treasure Chest to be held once again at Coronation in October. Please contact your local A&S officer for details.

In service to Atlantia,

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