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Re: Where has your living room gone?

Poster: The Davidsons <paradox@ns.gamewood.net>

At 04:44 PM 7/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Catmuse@aol.com
>In a message dated 96-07-08 22:57:48 EDT, you write:
>>Now, Demetria, Maria Constanza, Marguerite, and Rosalind perform this, as a
>>round, in 4 part harmony, but Rosalind is laughing too hard to remember her
>>part very well at all...
>Demetria says, "Are there any more of those Flaming Balls?  I could sure use
>a few right now!...."<grinning>
Aye, milady, but cherries soaked in intensely alcoholic ?goldschlager, or
some such, and forgotten for a few weeks, or months, or whatever - thus
imparting that inflammable quality...

    Rosalind Jehanne 
    Paradox Keep in the Shire of Drachentor    
    Or, a Rose Gules, in Chief Three Suns Or 

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