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The Merry Rose (was Re: Important info 3)

Poster: jsussman@cpcug.org (Jeffrey Sussman)

Greetings from Richard Fitzgilbert!

Where as I would agree that any communication is better than no
communication, I would disagree that the list is appropriate for all types
of conversations.

This type of forum, like all newsgroups and e-mail vehicles, lack key
components to human communication that are necessary for dealing with highly
emotional issues.  This had led to the creation of the smiley faces and such
that are used to, only partially, make up for this lack.

In my opinon, the more emotional an issue, the more effort should be put
into addressing it face to face.

For example, there are ways to tell someone that they are not taking blows
that they should be, if you are talking face to face.  I do not think there
is any way to do this via private e-mail and there certainly isn't any way
to do it right via a public electronic forum.  This is from personal
experience.  I have been on both ends of this conversation.

I must apologise to those people who take this forum very seriously, but...

If you look at the ways in which information is transmitted and
conversations are conducted in Atlantia, you would find that the Merry Rose
is a relatively minor adjunct to the main lines of personal interaction.  I
cringe when I read that someone might leave the SCA or Alantia based on
something that happens on this list.  I do note that the reverse is not the
case.  Our shared SCA based values make this the best behaved unmoderated
electronic forum I know of.

But, I would be very surprised if any discussion that existed only on the
Rialto or the Merry Rose actually had any effect on life in Atlantia.

Richard Fitzgilbert

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