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Re: Disc: Bran's, um, faux pas

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Lord Martin,

Having seen how masterfully our Highness has dealt with this Trimarian's 
accusation regarding him, I have to believe, upon consideration, that the 
claim of some Atlantian saying plate armour afords him more protection is 
actually a misinterpretation of someone saying plate armour often causes 
him to miss blows.  One is not nearly the same as the other.

As for ten Atlantians defeating twenty Trimarians, I once again have to 
wonder if this was not just the natural outcome of our real superiority 
in fighting.  I remember at Stephan's Sea Wars, while just a man-at-arms, 
standing next to my Squire uncle Thomas of Calais against three 
Trimarians, one of them a Duke (the one who wears the gold helm) and 
killing all three of them (we died two ;-) it was a resurection battle).

But rest assured, that if I should ever need to draw up a list of 
indictments of his Grace, I would certainly not start with the opinions of 
a Trimarian with a Political Correctness problem.

In Service
Leifr Johansson
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