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Re: A New Heartache, and a Challenge

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU>

> Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com>
> It is a sad thing indeed when a gentle (any gentle, let alone our
> Prince, who feels the weight of the crown) is forced to apologize for
> having innocent fun.  It makes one desire to take one's fun-loving
> ways elsewhere.

   Much agreement.  This should never have been brought up in this
forum (and wouldn't have been save for someone's "ten thumbs on the 
keyboard"  :-)

   But, did ya notice...  Someone saw something questionable, the
matter was (however inadvertantly) made public, was publicly responded
to, and is dead and buried, all in about a day.  We _may_ hear from
a few folks who disapprove of HRH's "redneck" sense of humor (though
I hope if there are any such, they'll take it offline), but we
_shouldn't_ hear any more about HRH abusing the serving staff (at least
not among the folk who frequent the Merry Rose.  Those who aren't 
online may take longer to get the word...)  A point in favor both of 
a much-maligned medium, and of getting the problem out in the open 
(IMHO, of course :-).

   For myself, the more I "see" of His Highness here Rose, the more I 
find myself hoping to make it to more Kingdom events in the next several 
months.  This could be fun!!!  

   (Hopefully...) in service--

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