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Re: A New Heartache, and a Challenge

Poster: Logan <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

...... I'll bribe those apes you send after
> me). "Then, sprinkle this fine brown ..s.. spice".
> And Really, Highness. One good Merchant has offered a 10% discount on
> all goods-which-contain-that-which-must-not-be-spoken. May I suggest
> that that 10% might make an admirable donation to your travel funds???
> You, of course, could impose a further tax on all items containing
> that "forbidden spice" (and I think I read a book entitled that, once)
> which were presented unto You.
> Humming Neil Young.....
> Lord Phillip (the ex-waiter, who LOVED people who broke up the
> boredom) Bell

My most humble apologies to you Lord Phillip for I did not know the true 
extent of your wisdom.  You are indeed a true vaticinator.

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