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Re: Re[2]: Banter[2]: Omnipotence

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com>

On Thu, 11 Jul 1996, Henry Best wrote:

> have committed the Harnfinkle Error. Mrs. Harnfinkle is the composite
> avatar of all elementary school grammar teachers. She is the woman who
> first replied to your question of "Can I go get a drink?" with "Well, you
> _can_; but you _may_ not." 

Oh, so *that's* what her name is!  (I always thought it was my mother,
but that's a different story -- and she frequently said instead, "I
don't know; can you?)

> Mr. Language Person says you must write, 1024 times, "I may not banter 
> semantics with poor grammar."

Oh, how fiendishly appropriate!  Including the number!  ;->

   Alys of Foxdale           | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com |     argent, a fox passant gules.

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