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Re: Info on the Barony of Caer Mear

Poster: lyon@cpsnet.com (Thomas Gideon (Personal))

I've lost track of Baronial goings on in Caer Mear as well--can
someone please include me in their reply to this request?  My
schedule has once again allowed me the time to try to make it to
Baronial meetings and such...


Thomas Lyon of Braemar

On Wed, 10 Jul 1996 23:22:26 -0400, BluEydMuse@aol.com wrote:
>Poster: BluEydMuse@aol.com
>My husband and I will soon be moving home to Richmond, VA, and we need
>information about the Barony of Caer Mear.  We would appreciate any help
>anyone can provide - especially times and places of meetings during August.
> We'd also like to know a little about the group, so please e-mail us if you
>have any insight on particular interests etc.
>Thank you!
>Lady Aodhan ni Finnlaith
>currently residing in the Barony of the Eldern Hills, Ansteorra
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