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Re: Re[2]: Cinnamon?

Poster: James Morrow <Achbar@worldnet.att.net>

David H Ritterskamp wrote:
> Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>
> Poster: The Davidsons <paradox@ns.gamewood.net>
> I realize this verse is unsavory, but I just got caraway with it. I mint to
> tread gingerly, but twas thyme to stop dillydallying on the RoseMerry and
> pepper you with sage advice. (Help, Achbar, my mouth is running amuck!)
> Pray forgive me, Your Highness - ye must understand that the pun center
> bears a striking resemblance to the tail of a cat - both are autonomous of
> the brains of the owner...  Your abject subject, Rosalind   Don't ask me to Spice this up.  I won't have the Crown Princess  A Salt Me in Court.

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