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Re[2]: Cinnamon?

Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>


Poster: The Davidsons <paradox@ns.gamewood.net>
I realize this verse is unsavory, but I just got caraway with it. I mint to 
tread gingerly, but twas thyme to stop dillydallying on the RoseMerry and 
pepper you with sage advice. (Help, Achbar, my mouth is running amuck!) 
Pray forgive me, Your Highness - ye must understand that the pun center 
bears a striking resemblance to the tail of a cat - both are autonomous of 
the brains of the owner...  Your abject subject, Rosalind
    Rosalind Jehanne 
        [For all those in desperate need of more puns (& amusing music) to 
        soothe their autonomous centers, I heartily recommend "The Seasonings" 
        by P.D.Q. Bach, all movements, i.e.
        "To Curry Favor, Favor Curry"
        "Tarragon of Virtue, it is Full"
        "Unsavory Rapscallion"
        "I'm Cumin"
        Etc., etc., etc.

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