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Re: Atlantia's Combat Archers - How to help

Poster: Gene Bonar <grb@fns.com>

David H Ritterskamp wrote:
>         [Actually, Falcone, if you'll ask the archers, you'll find that there IS
>         a cheap alternative to more wooden shafts; I came up with the Thumper a
>         couple of years ago and have intermittently been trying to spread the
>         news of its usefulness as the mood moved me.

I'm a combat archer, and I would really like to see the plans to your
Eoghan mac Ailpein, Proto-Highlander Mid-800            
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia       
mka  Gene Bonar  grb@fns.com  919 772 1112 
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