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Re: HELP...!! w/Email address

Poster: Elizabeth Urbanik <eurbanik@leo.vsla.edu>

This is something I think we can help this gentle with. Please
reply to the original poster, not me.



> -Poster: macliam@nauticom.net
> I am approaching a Boy Scout Camp and I am not sure how they will respond to
> using their camp as a site.
> I need to know how many have used Boy Scout Camps in the past.  If you have
> PLEASE send me the name of the camp and the city / state that its in.  At
> least then I can go in with a listing so that they can see that the Boy
> Scouts of America have no problem with the SCA and that its OK to let us use
> their site.
> Our meeting is early next week so I need this info as quicky as I can get it.
> Please E-mail me with the info if you will
> MacLiam@nauticom.net
> Thanks
> Connor
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Elizabeth Urbanik, Cataloger		ska Lady Elenore Spyrling
Pittsylvania County Library		    Shire of Drachentor
Chatham, VA 24531			    Kingdom of Atlantia
		804-432-3271	eurbanik@leo.vsla.edu
            Proud member of Librarians of the Knowne World
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