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What's the Point(less)?

Poster: SheehanTA@aol.com

I know when I hear of an interkingdom event called a war, it conjures up
images of hot, sweaty fighters on the field rather than a particularly good
time for us nonmartial types.  Especially a name like "Pointless War" only
evokes a "if it is pointless, why should I go?" reaction.  If memory serves
we used to have something with the East Kingdom called the Interkingdom
Peace.  Now that is a name that evokes the possibility of friendship and
communication.  Moreover, it makes me think there might be something there
for the nonfighters like me.  If we are going to build bridges with our
neighboring kingdoms, let us expand our point of contact beyond the field of
combat.  How many of you are aware that less than two years ago 7 Atlantians
went to the East Kingdom to teach at their University and ended up comprising
1/3 of the faculty for that session?  I remember the hospitality of the local
group and their appreciation that we came so far to share in the EKU.  I even
remember one student known as Generica who, unless I'm much mistaken, posts
to this list at times.  There are members of a group just over the border in
West Virginia who comes to play music, sing and dance with us because we have
such an active musical population in northern Atlantia.  There are many ways
to build friendship and bonds between kingdoms.  Fighting may be the best way
to attract big notice, but lasting ties can be made in other ways as well and
can involve and benefit the populace who are not fighters.  

Deirdre O'Siodhachain, OL

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