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Pool Noodles!

Poster: James Morrow <Achbar@worldnet.att.net>

Wynn Klosky wrote:
> Poster: Wynn Klosky <klosky@meeker.UCAR.EDU>
> Rosine,
> Perhaps this has already been answered, but a certain clever Duke had
> boffer weapons fashioned from the currently popular and
> VERY-cheap-at-Walmart "Pool Noodles" (they go under various
> names) for use in his backyard -- I have since experimented
> with a couple of the kids in our local group (including my
> own young redheaded entropy machine), and these seem to
> go over well and be virtually indestructible.
> The noodles come in a variety of outer circumference shapes
> (ridged, scalloped, smooth). I experimented with the solid
> variety, but they also do come hollow.  These make Great Padding for Pole Arms as well.  I used these for thrusting tips at 
the last Boar Hunt.   Thanks for mentioning them!   :)

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