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Re: Battle Poetry

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com

His Excellency sibilantly says,

> I have encountered your wit here at the Rose herself, and say to you Sir,
> that you are indeed qualified and well equipped to serve this need. And so
> saying, serve us all, to so school these scions in such sapid sagacity. How
> say you now?

What can I say, after so much alliteration, but "Yes"?
Like the legendary Piranha brothers, you have used Rhetorical Devices
as a rack to bend me to your will.  I will try to put together a class.

Now, more than ever, I crave enlightenment from fighters.
I would like to know if you have ever felt the need to describe
a battle in terms that you knew were not literally true, but,
in some mystical sense, seemed true than a bald recitation of
the facts.
Here are some hypothetical examples:

 "The arrows were swarming around me, waiting for a chance to sting."

 "He doesn't wear his glasses when he fights, and he couldn't see my
  sword until it was two feet away, but he has the reflexes of a 'toon;
  he blocked everything I threw at him."

 "I felt a rush like a rolling ball of thunder, spinning my head around
  and taking my body under."

 "Everything went into slow-motion."

 "The earth moved."

Only one of these remarks is one I have actually heard a fighter use, and
I may be misremembering it.  As far as I know so far, such remarks might
only be made in jest (if at all), and my theory that they are ever
"more true than reality" might be completely wrong.

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Be kind, for everyone you meet in life is fighting a hard battle.
   -- Plato (427-347 B.C.)

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