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Re: What's the Point(less)?

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

> >  
> > Achbar 
> Actually, it could also be turned into the most marvellous A&
> S free-for-all ever!!  Just think -- people vying to create the 
> most beautiful things possible, in hopes of catching the eye of their 
> own monarchs firstly, who might then choose the item as part of the 
> trove to be given away to other kingdoms! All in the name of making 
> it possible for one's own kingdom to be named the most generous, 
> most hospitable, most friendly .... 
> What a great way it would be, to foster good border relations and have 
> a good time, and make or do neat new stuff, all at the same time!!! 
> But yes, it would take a lot of planning .... 
> But we could do it .... 
> It's worth a dream, isn't it? 
> Meli 


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