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Re: MR: INFO: Query: Mosquito netting

Poster: MPengwyn@aol.com

Miriam Rachel said: 
>Might some Gentle be able to tell me where I might get mosquito netting to
>in my tent?

>Many thanks!


     I'd suggest a query to surplus stores in your area, and barring that,
try using illusion bridal netting. Though it strikes me now that Pier One
type stores sell a thing called a Mombasa Net which is offered as a romantic
thing to drape over one's bed. It hangs from a ring suspended from the
ceiling. Its fairly convenient, works well at Pennsic in a Grimms pavilion,
and as I recall they were not too pricy. They do however break when your lord
steps on the ring.  ::chuckle:: Been there...heard the snap.

In Service,

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