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Re: MR: Query: Fabric Stores in No. Atlantia

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 16:33 7/16/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Poster: Annejke@prodigy.com (MS MARTHA L WALLENHORST)
>I am going down to my dad's house near Hawkwood this weekend.  There 
>is a Fabric Outlet there that has (or did last weekend) that had it 
>for $3.50 a pound for end bolts.  If you would like me to look for 
>you let me know.  I picked up good bodic brocad at $3.50 a pound 
>   Annejke

Gentle Annejke, prithee do not torture the garb-crafters of the Merry Rose
with such vague hints!!  Where, exactly, is this wondrous Fabric Outlet?  

In fact, if the the noble lords and ladies of Atlantia would like to send me
the names and addresses, and phone #s of their favorite fabric stores, both
North and South, along with brief descriptions of what sort of stock they
usually have, I will be happy to compile a list so that it may be sent out
to future queries.

In service to Atlantia and Atlantians,
Alanna (who can't die because she does not have enough fabric yet...)

Bob, Lucinda and Tabby Welenc
(410) 969-8303

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